
Friday, July 11, 2014

What You Need To Know About Digital Migration

In recent times, the news that Nigeria would soon join the rest of the world in transiting from analogue to digital broadcasting has been everywhere. Specifically, Nigeria has fixed 15 July next year for the all important switch over. The transition promises many benefits including clear signals and better television contents. While relevant government authorities have embarked on campaigns to enlighten citizens about the digitalization plan, some people still have misconception about the switch over plan.

This edition of P.M.NEWS Consumers Advocate gives you, our dear readers, an insight into what the Nigerian digital migration is all about. This edition also explains what will happen when the switch-over finally takes place.

What is Digital Television?

Digital Television is a new, more efficient way of receiving your TV signal. It changes the way pictures are transmitted, but it won’t change the way you watch TV.

Since the beginning of television, (unless you are a DStv subscriber) we have been watching what is known as analogue TV. The signals are broadcast using radio waves, which are picked up by an aerial and sent down a wire to your TV.

With digital terrestrial television, DTT, the same transmitter will send the signal to the same aerial, but in digital format. Cellphone, video games and computers all use this format.

Digital signals carry a lot more information than the old analogue signals. This means you can watch more channels which carry more programmes. And because digital signals don’t deteriorate, the quality is better.

Why is Digital TV better?

With digital television, you will get more channels to choose from, better pictures and sound quality and exciting new features like on-screen TV guide.

You will also get more choices. This is because digital TV uses less space to send programmes to our TVs, so more channels can be broadcast.

With digital transmission, you will also get crisper and clearer pictures and movie quality. Digital signals are not affected by interference or champagnes in signal strength. Definitely this means no more ghosts and snow on your TV set. You will also get either digital stereo or full surround sound which will be concert-quality ready to be blown away.

The new features on the digital platform will also enable you to plan your viewing with interactive TV guides and listen to the radio through your television. The digital switch will also bring about subtitles to audio descriptions, making it perfect for people who have issues with hearing or eyesight.

What you need to enjoy the switch-over:

Since virtually everyone owns a television set, what you need is a set-up box. The set-up box is a device that receives and decodes the digital signal into a video signal allowing the picture to appear in your television. The set up box is also known as decoder, but it is not the same as the decoder used for satellite or terrestrial pay-TV. The set-up box is a plug and play device which makes it easy to start using.

What if you have a satellite dish?

If you subscribe to satellite television, such as DStv, the service will continue to operate as before. DStv is already digital. But if you would like to receive terrestrial television service and free-to-air channels, then you need a set-up box as well as an aerial to receive the signal.

Can I still use my old VCR or DVD recorder?

Once your television is receiving digital television from a set-up box, your VRC or DVD recorder will be able to record it. But if you want to watch one channel while recording another, then you need another set-up box for that purpose.

Will I need to discard my old TV? Absolutely not, but the high-definition set (HD-TV) will be a huge jump in picture quality when digital TV begins. Watching your high-definition set will be like watching a movie in a cinema.

How many set-up box will be needed in a home?

More than one TV can be connected to a set-up box, but all the TVs will show the same programme. This is because you use the set-up box to change the channels. So if you want each of your TV sets to show a different channel, you will have to buy a set-up box for each of the sets.

If, however, you have more than one set-up box, you need just one aerial to set all of them.

When will the switch over finally begin?

Globally, the switch-over date is July, 2015. Nigeria and other African countries have also agreed to the switch over date.

Nigeria on its part is already conducting a test run of the process in Jos, Plateau State.

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