
Friday, June 20, 2014

Building new customer-centric organisations

It has become important for organisations to become customer-centric in their approach and operation. The reason is not farfetched as customers are now empowered more than before. Several media of communication have also come into existence which give customers more platforms to make choices. The social media and online channels provide more tangible ways for customers to interact with organisations of their choice.

The implication of this is that customers can now abandon any company and its brand that does not meet their needs.

It has thus become imperative for organisations to shift their focus to their customers and develop an action plan to sustain a customer-centric pedigree. Organisations should also understand and build value proposition around the needs of their customers. This in-depth understanding does not only affect the present but also the future needs of the customers. This enables an organisation to gain competitive advantage with its thorough understanding of the individual needs of customers.

To remain customer-centric, an organisation should instill a corporate culture. It is the corporate culture that will drive customer centricity across organisations. When a culture is in place, it becomes the norm of the organisation to remain focused in its bid to provide customer-centric services. This is one thing that endears me to the one customer model of Sterling Bank. The customer concept is anchored on the premise that the bank has a laser focus on the customer and it thrives to anticipate, address and exceed their expectations. This concept is what every organisation needs to remain virile and stay ahead of competition.

How an organisation can become customer-centric

A sound vision

There should be a vision in place which serves as the blueprint for the organisation. The vision statement will explain the totality of the organisation’s focus and how to achieve its objectives. When the vision is clear, it becomes easy to implement.

Generate customer insights

Customer insights are very important for any organisation to thrive. Insights are the opinion, views, and perception of customers about a specific organisation and its services. A high premium should be placed on customer insights as its road map to remain customer-centric. Customer insights are essential to gain competitive advantage as such insights help organisations to gain leverage over competition. Insight deepens the reach for organisations and as a result, it provides direction on how to meet customer expectations and also surpass them. It is the insights that will drive the marketing process in order to achieve desired objectives. Insights also play a critical role in appropriately developing an organisation’s business model.

Listen to customers

Any organisation that is seriously focused on remaining customer-centric should have strong listening approach. It is crucial for such organisations to actively engage customers and listen to their complaints and grievances. The employees should also be trained to listen attentively to customers. Through this, the organization gain direction on how to remain customer-centric.

Everyone is involved

Building a customer-centric organisation is not the responsibility of one person. The entire team should be involved. The internal audience should be competent and thoroughbred to drive the process through. When everyone shares the same frame of reference, goals are attained without inhibitions. When everyone is involved, customer-centric service becomes a culture and not a lip service.

Create customer value

Value creation goes beyond service delivery. It is giving something superior to customers. It is about implementing customer-focused measures and providing great experience which leaves customers with no other option but to remain with you. Customer experience goes a long way in building a lasting business. Value is embedded when customers have something tangible to hold on to in their interaction with your organisation.

Communicate on a consistent basis

The whole essence of an organisation is to continuously engage its audience. The role of communication in building customer-centric organisation should not be relegated to the background. A customer-centric organisation sends information and touches base with customers to gauge their perception. This is one vantage avenue to determine whether you are on the right track in terms of customer relationship management.

Institute a reward scheme

A little incentive to appreciate a customer goes a long way in establishing relationship. There should be a regular reward scheme to appreciate the customers. This is very important as customer loyalty is guaranteed through such. It is also an avenue to let customers know that they are highly valued by your organisation.

When an organisation remains customer-centric, it remains ahead of its competition through its customer-focused measures and clearly-defined strategies. The benefits are also enormous as such an organisation has a profitable customer base. The organisation will also have clear understanding on how to grow its customer base as well as how to meet their needs. A customer- centric organisation also responds swiftly to customer enquiries and know how best to address grievances. Such organisations ultimately remain efficient in its operational model.

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