
Sunday, June 30, 2013

How to Make a Portable Reading Lamp

When you're camping, traveling by car, sleeping under the stars or having a sleepover, reading by sufficiently diffused light can be a challenge. While a headlamp, flashlight or lantern might do the trick, they have drawbacks such as being brightly focused on one spot and not across all of the book page or they might be noisy or inadequate for others to read by too. The tote anywhere reading light is a very simple solution to this, by creating a light that gently diffuses light in a way that lets you read in comfort.

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  1. 1
    Gather the items needed. Make sure that the milk jug is clean, to avoid bad odors.
  2. 2
    Fill the gallon milk jug with water. Screw the lid on tight to prevent spills.
  3. 3
    Attach the headlamp so that it sits around the middle of the milk jug. Face the lamp inward.
  4. 4
    Use. Simply switch on the headlamp. A gentle reading light will diffuse throughout the area where you're reading.
    • This lamp will sit solidly inside a tent, a camping vehicle, a car, on a camping or picnic table, or wherever you need it.
    • The light from this hack is much gentler on your eyes than other portable lights and you should find reading by it very comfortable.
  5. 5

Things You'll Need
  • Gallon milk jug, cleaned, with lid
  • Water
  • Headlamp used for outdoor activities and camping

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