
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How to Prevent Illnesses

Are you the kind of person who gets sick easily? Forget to take your meds? Haven't gotten your shot yet? Here's some tips to help you prevent you and your household from getting sick!

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    Wash your hands! Wash your hands often. Try to always do it before you eat, after using the restroom, cooking, or using the restroom. It is very important to wash your hands after touching things that you know others have touched. Here are some examples: Rides at amusement parks, handrails, a principle's hand at graduation maybe? A big one is the phone, and also the flusher on the toilet. And did you know that toilets spread germs up to 15 feet?

    Take your medications and make sure your vaccines are up to date. Ask your doctor about all precautions you can take.

    Here's a bathroom tip. When you get toilet paper, tear one piece off and throw it away, then take however many sheets you need. If you don't understand, think about how you tear toilet paper. You hold the one just above the pieces right?

    Breathe through your nose. Your nose has small hairs that filter out germs. If you breathe through your mouth, you are breathing in unfiltered air that has germs.

    Try to sit as far away as possible from someone who is sneezing, especially if the person is not covering their mouth.

    Wash your clothes after being around sick people. When people sneeze, their germs may be spread anywhere from 4 to 8 feet, and these germs can stay on your clothes. So wash your clothes after being around people who are sneezing.

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