
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How to Prevent Repetitive Motion Injury

Prevent Repetitive Motion Injury

Repetitive Motion Injury or Repetitive Strain Injury is an injury to the bones, muscles, or nerves caused by repetitive motions and tasks. Prevent it by doing the following:

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    Know the factors that increases your chances of developing RMI. These factors include:
        Movement repetition. Muscles get tired from performing the same movement over and over again. Muscles that are tense and overused are more likely to develop injury when combined with repetitive motions.
        Improper posture. Poor posture when sitting or standing puts unnecessary pressure and strain on the muscles and nerves.
        Excessive force. Overexerting when pushing, pulling, or lifting puts pressure on the muscles, bones, tendons, and nerves. This additional pressure causes discomfort, pain, and injury.
        Frequency. When repetitive movements are done for prolonged periods it leaves the muscles tense, tired, and more prone to injury due to wear and tear.
    Understand that RMI may be caused by the following:
        Repetitive motion of the limbs or joints.
        Prolonged hand use.
        Improper wrist position when performing an activity (holding a computer mouse, for example).
        Some medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes.
    Learn to identify the symptoms of RMI. It may manifest as:
        Pain or stiffness in areas around the joints (i.e. wrists, hands, fingers). This pain is usually worse with activity,
        Swelling in the affected area.
        Tingling or numbness.
        Loss of strength and coordination (commonly happens to the hands.
    Know how to prevent RMI. Do the following:
        Exercise or stretch joints in between long hours of repetitive motion.
        Take a break! This may be the most important way to prevent RMI. Rest your dominant hand whenever possible. Take extra care when using vibrating tools, such as a jackhammer.
        Maintain proper posture when working. Make adjustments to your work area and use ergonomically designed tools and accessories.
        Exercise regularly. Strengthen your musculoskeletal system to lower the chances of injury from repetitive movements.


    Here are some tips to prevent RMI when using the computer:
    Position your keyboard where you can bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle when typing.
    Keep your wrists aligned to the rest of your arm when typing.
    Tuck you arms close to your sides, avoid using armrests for long periods.
    Split and curved ergonomic keyboards lessens stress on the wrists and prevents Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
    Do not overstretch your hands when typing. Divide the keyboard between your right hand and left hand.
    Do not grip the mouse too hard.
    Attach alternate an alternate mouse and keyboard to a laptop if you plan to use it for a long time.
    Sit properly. Keep your back straight with both feet firmly on the floor.
    Take a break!

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