
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How to Prevent a Bulging Disc

The spine in your body contains a number of intervertebral discs that are stacked between the bones in your spine to serve as shock absorbers when you perform normal, daily activities. A bulging disc, also known as a herniated disc, can occur when excessive strain is placed on your spine, causing the outer part of a disc to weaken. When the disc weakens, or tears, the vertebrae surrounding that disc will move in and place pressure on your nerves, often resulting in pain. Bulging discs are often caused by a of lack of exercise, excessive weight gain, or if you have performed any sudden movements or strenuous activities that have placed pressure on your spine, such as twisting your body violently or lifting heavy objects improperly. By maintaining good health and learning how to handle your body during periods of physical stress, you can prevent yourself from getting a bulging disc.

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Exercise on a regular basis. Exercising will help strengthen the muscles that support your spine; including the muscles in your back, stomach, and legs. Lack of exercise will result in muscles that are weak and stiff.
Perform a variety of strength training exercises at least twice per week, with specific focus on strengthening your back, stomach, and legs.
Perform at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week, such as walking or swimming. If you prefer vigorous aerobic activities such as running or dancing, perform at least 75 minutes of those exercises per week.
Wear proper athletic shoes for any athletic activities you perform. This practice will help provide your back with additional support and may prevent other types of injuries from occurring.
Consult with the salesperson in a retail store that specializes in athletic shoes to determine the best shoes for your workout.
Maintain a healthy, balanced diet. Eating healthy foods will help strengthen your spine and supplement your exercise routine.
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, healthy carbohydrates such as beans, whole wheat, and brown rice; healthy fats such as nuts, olive oil, and fish; protein foods such as chicken, turkey, or eggs; and foods that contain calcium to help strengthen your bones.
Demonstrate good posture at all times. Incorrect posture can place stress on your spine and back.
If you are standing or walking, then stand up straight, keep your shoulders back, and keep your abdomen tucked in.
If you are sitting, use a pillow or other object to support your lower back if you do not have an adjustable, ergonomic chair to support your body. Your feet should either rest flat on the floor or be elevated.
Arrange sleeping conditions that will help support your lower back.
Sleep on your back or on your side instead of on your stomach or in the fetal position. Sleeping on your back and on your side will reduce your risk for a bulging disc.
Sleep on a firm mattress. To keep your mattress firm, replace it between every 8 and 10 years and rotate your mattress every 3 months.
Lift heavy objects using the proper body form.
Squat down and bend your knees to grab heavy objects, then lift yourself up using the muscles in your legs. Bending over at your waist can result in a bulging disc.
Stop smoking tobacco. Smoking will decrease the oxygen flow to your intervertebral discs and prevent them from absorbing the nutrients they need to function normally, causing your discs to become brittle and dry.
If you are having problems trying to quit smoking, speak to your health care provider for assistance or for information on joining a support group.
Stretch your back when you are required to endure long periods of time sitting down. This will prevent your back from becoming stiff while you are at work or on a long car trip.
Stand up straight and spread your legs hip-width apart.
Bend your knees slightly, then place both of your arms straight out in front of you at the height of your shoulders, keeping your shoulders down and relaxed.
Clasp one hand with the other hand, then drop your head toward your chest. Pull your abdominal muscles inward to protect the lower section of your back, then slightly round your lower back.
Create the letter "C" shape with your torso by tucking your hips slightly forward, then stretch your arms out forward in front of you until you feel your shoulder blades moving apart. You will then begin to feel the stretching of your upper and lower back and your shoulders.

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