Using the computer is an overarching activity of humankind. Much as certain blood-hungry bugs are addicted to blood so too are humans "addicted" and "programmed" to love the computer and its programs! Learning to overcome your addiction to the computer is as difficult as robot learning to be more human.
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Edit Steps
Remember a time when you thought a computer is something you just use and were not "addicted" to. Keep searching for that body and frame of mind in which a computer was merely a computer, not some out-of-control thing that controls you.
Think about why people use the computer. Why are you reading this article? Are you understanding at all this article? Do you understand why people post stuff and companies sell stuff through the computer? What originally was the purpose of the computer? What is the purpose of search engines and other utilities such as media searches? Why do these mediums become corrupted and thus you? What are the factors that go into the creation and design of these specific programs that "addict" you? What role does your actual job or role in society depend upon your being around the computer?
Pick up a new hobby. Find something to do other than get on the computer; you could pick up some books at the local library and learn a new language, draw or paint, read, learn sports, learn to crochet/ knit, make a recipe book full of your own original recipes, take a pottery class, work on growing a garden that takes up your whole front yard, paint all of the rooms in your house a different color (It takes longer than you would think.), go camping and do NOT bring your laptop, anything you can think of. Look at the wikihow articles on how to start and find a hobby, if it helps.
Set a designated time where you can get on the computer. Set aside a certain amount of time a day that you can get on the computer. After one week of only getting on for that long, cut that time in half.
Realize that this article cannot change your behavior overnight. No article really can. No person really can. The problem you see is a larger evolutionary process and there are many macro-factors that inflict us with technological additions and requirements. It is no coincidence that you are here to ask the computer how to stop using the computer. Think deeper and if you still don't get it, it's not your fault.
You can keep using the computer as you regularly do.
Just wait until someday or sometime when you have the resources (time, will power, attention span, memory) to stop your addiction.
Don't kill yourself over your "addictions."
The difference between you and a computer is that the computer is in control of you, so don't make it mad, it's got more power than you nowadays. Respect the computer and don't diss it.
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