
Monday, September 16, 2013

How to Make a Paper Wreath

Learn how to make a simple yet classy design statement with this easy paper wreath.


    Make the wreath base. Take the large plate and trace it with a pencil on your poster board. Then center the bowl or small plate in the large plate and trace with the pencil. Cut out the center and around the outer edges with sharp scissors. You should now have a basic wreath shape.
    Make and attach a hanger. Cut a six inch peice of fishing line. Fold it in half and hot glue the loose ends to the back of the wreath shape you cut out in step 1.
    Make the leaves. They can be white, red, or any color you choose. Select your paper and fold it into thirds. Draw a leaf shape on the top fold and cut if out, leaving it folded to avoid more work. Continue making leaves until you have enough to completely cover your wreath shape. Now fold them all in half.
    Arrange and glue the leaves. Arrange them and when you have a design you like,start gluing. Start on the outer edge and flatten the a small part of the bottom of the folded leaves so you can glue them.
    Let dry overnight and hang using the hanger.

 Things You'll Need

    Large plate
    Smaller bowl
    Poster board
    Sharp scissors
    Fishing line
    Hot glue
    White glue
For more information visit


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