
Monday, September 16, 2013

Learn How to Make a Chocolate Syrup and Sprinkles Phone Cover

Would you like to create a fun, new look for your phone, iPod, or other device? You've come to the right place. All you need is your device's case, and some nail polish!

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  1. 1
    If your case is dark colored: Paint the whole thing with a white nail polish. If your case is already white, or another light color, just skip to the next step.
  2. 2
    Now paint it all pink, or whatever color your favorite ice cream flavor is.
  3. 3
    After this is dry, take your cotton swab and dip it in your brown polish. Make a large dot right above the middle of your case. Ever so slightly lift up the cotton swab and drag it up to the top. You have your first drip! Do this a couple more times beside the first one. You can choose to make your drips longer or shorter next to the first one.
  4. 4
    After this is completely dry, take a striper or toothpick and dip it in your white polish. Draw relatively short lines with it in different directions all over the chocolate syrup. (Or whatever color/flavor you decided for it to be.)
  5. 5
    Now fill in the white lines with your favorite colors for sprinkles.
  6. 6
    Apply a top coat over the chocolate and sprinkles.Tips
  • You could do this in your favorite flavors of ice cream and syrup!
  • If you want to take this off later, just use nail polish remover.
  • Make sure you let each coat dry completely before handling again.

  • Every layer MUST be dry before proceeding. Otherwise, it won't look as well as you would have hoped.

Things You'll Need
  • Pink nail polish
  • Brown nail polish
  • White nail polish
  • Red, blue, green, yellow, orange, and purple nail polish. (Optional)
  • One or two toothpicks
  • One or two cotton swabs
  • Nail polish remover (optional)

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