
Thursday, August 8, 2013

How to Be at Peace With Your Life (Teens)

Teen years are the most memorable years in one’s life. It's important to make sure that these years were not just spent partying, disappointing people, spreading rumours and obsessing about yourself. Here are a few ways to be at peace and satisfaction with your teenage life.

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    Choose wisely. It is not always easy to make the best choices and decisions when you are young; do the best that you can.
    It's all about choices that you make. Making a mistake is ok; repeating it is not.
    Be honest with yourself. Being untruthful creates tension between people, so even when the truth is painful it is still the truth. Choose your words carefully as the words we use have a different effect on each person.
    Do not be afraid to say "NO". Do not allow yourself to be pushed or bullied into a situation that you are not comfortable with.
    Have some alone time. Even though teen years may be all about events, parties, shopping and exams, set time aside for you. Sort out all the good things that you have done and the few things that might have been done a little better. This will allow you the opportunity to prepare for future events. After all; there is no perfect in life and experience will always remain the best teacher.
    Share and be open. Teen life and high school is full of turmoil so just let loose and share. When you had a bad day or have heard a nasty rumor about you; don't beat yourself about it. Talk about it with your friends or siblings.
    Taking risks is not a good plan however there is no need to be afraid to try new things. Be patient with yourself and others and allow yourself the freedom to adapt to new experiences. Try joining the chess club even if you are the head cheerleader. If you are into sports then try making a home movie in your free time; This will give you a taste of both sports and art.
    Stand out. The best way to be at peace with yourself and have no regrets is being different; the only way to be different is to be yourself. Make your own rules on how to maintain your life! Begin with "responsibility and "common sense" and fill in the rest as you live your life
    Don't take dating too seriously.'
    Appreciate your home. Home is the place where you have time to rewind your day and look back at the events of your day. There is no place like home, so try helping your parents, doing chores or just singing in the bathroom.
    When you are in love, or like someone "Take Your Time"!: You are young and have the rest of your life ahead of you, there is no need in attempting to live your life in a single day; tomorrow is another day. There are probably over a hundred and one things that can go wrong when you rush into love. Falling in and out of love is a natural step in life, a wonderful experience, some of which are unpleasant and some that will remain with you throughout your life. Remember, Love's a rose, it has it's blossoming head and it's thorns.


    Don't try too hard; relax; take a deep breath and let things take their course
    Live your own life
    There is no point in creating problems in your life as you will only waste valuable time is correcting them.
    It is okay to be embarrassed once in a while instead of getting upset laugh about it.


    Do not make promises that you cannot keep.
    Do not let rumours interfere with your friendships.

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