
Saturday, August 3, 2013

How to Make a Bow and Arrow Out of Household Supplies

Ever wanted to shoot a bow, but never had the money or time to buy one or make your own? Here's a way that you can create a bow in a half hour with using only ordinary household supplies!

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    Find a wire hanger. You should be able to bend it as far as you like. Once you have a hanger, bend it until it creates a C shape, but don't bend it too far.
    Find a piece of nice stretchy string. Tie one end of the string to One end of your bow. Make sure you double-tie it, so the string doesn't come loose when you are shooting. Do the same with the other end of your bow.
    *Optional* If you want, you can wrap twine around the area of your bow where your hand would go. This will help you keep a grip on the bow when shooting.
    Now that you have your bow, you will need arrows. Take two or more pencils and tape them together securely. Make sure that the end of your arrow is sharpened, but not too pointy! You don't want to get someone hurt when shooting the bow.
    Find a piece of tan or white construction paper. Cut out three triangles. Tape them securely to your arrow's tip.
    Do the same thing to the bottom of your arrow. You can make as many arrows as you want.
    Let your arrow fly!


    Snapping the bowstring against any part of your body may sting. Also, do not sharpen your pencil very sharp and then shoot it at another person. This could result in a minor to severe injury.

Things You'll Need

    Wire hanger
    stretchy string
    construction paper

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