
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

How to Communicate With Teenagers

Need to speak to a teen without appearing abrasive? Read this:

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    Don't Treat Them Like Inferiors- If we feel you see us only as a child, or that you don't respect our thought or opinions, we won't feel any need to respect yours. Also, never give the impression of superiority, whether it be intelligence, maturity, experience in a field, or anything else unless we say or imply that we think you have more of this attribute first. We get enough adult superiority every day of our lives. This is not to say, however, if you are a parent, to be afraid to express authority. This will produce a child that has no respect for you or anyone else, and could also result in your child being hurt at school by another kid who doesn't like his or her lack of respect for others.
    Don't Push Subjects- If you ask about something and we don't respond or say we don't want to talk about it, leave it alone. Pushing it will only make us paranoid, bitter, or completely unresponsive, especially in emotional matters. We will come to you if we feel we need to and we trust you enough.
    Don't Come Down On Them Too Hard- Being too heavy-handed with a teenager can produce a wealth of resentment very quickly and very easily. We understand when we mess up, and we deserve a consequence, but only one that is fair and fitting to the transgression.


    If you make a mistake or misjudged a situation, be willing to admit it and apologize.
    Take an interest in the things we do, even if you don't completely understand or like them. This will let us know that you do care about our interests, and us as a whole.
    Give us some slack every once in a while. We're young and still learning about the ways of the world, and we have to worry about grades and other kids who will give us even more to think about in our social lives. These things accumulate, and give us too much to think about at times.


    Do not EVER strike a teenager in the face. We see this a complete and total lack of respect, and a challenge to whatever our view on the current topic is.
    Do not judge our friends until you get to know them. If you immediately get a bad feeling, it is okay to ask and let your opinion be known, but if you just don't like the way they dress or their musical tastes, etc, let it be. This is especially important with our philosophical views on the world.

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