
Saturday, May 25, 2013

How to Cope with Living Without a Computer

Living without a computer sucks. But sometimes, it can help you "find yourself".

N.B Visit for other updates
  1. 1
    Get a hobby: not many people know this but you can find a hobby just by watching TV, walking down the street, or even sitting on your porch. Find something you like to do.
  2. 2
    Borrow a computer: no, don't go take a friend's computer and leave an I.O.U note...instead go to a friend/relative's house and ask to use their computer to check your e-mail and find a few things(your hobby). (You may also want to check the news, so you don't get left behind). Don't become too dependent on their computer though, or this article would be useless...
  3. 3
    Work on your hobby: get better and better at your hobby then..GO FIND ANOTHER ONE! It's good to have 2 hobbies. You wont get as bored.
  4. 4
    Multitask: see if you can do both hobbies at once, this will improve whatever you use in your hobbies (hands, feet, eyes etc.).
  5. 5
    Speed it up!!: Do your hobbies faster than ever and make a few records. See if you can beat them!

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