
Monday, May 27, 2013

How to Know if a Computer Processor Is Dead

Surprisingly checking if your processor is dead is really not a challenge at all. Places like geek squid can charge over 100 dollars just to do these simple steps.

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  1. 1
    Remove the casing of your computer and make sure you have the computer shut off and unplugged when working in a computer
  2. 2
    Get rid of static electricity. Just rub your hand across something metal because one spark can do serious damage to you computer.
  3. 3
    Now unplug and remove your CPU fan from the computer itself
  4. 4
    Now plug back in the computer and turn it on. Wait about 2 seconds, then place finger on CPU you should notice it is getting pretty toasty. Then shut off computer and remember don't leave it on for more than 5 seconds.
  5. 5
    Close the computer back up and that is it

  • Whenever you open your computer you might as well dust it. The fans pick up dust very quickly.

  • Always be smart when working in a computer, they aren't that hard to learn but they can be destroyed from user issues

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