
Friday, May 24, 2013

How to Check Wan IP

IP Addresses are used everywhere on the internet, and on your local network: they are unique identifiers, both in the LAN and on the net. This article concentrates on the Wide area network, essentially the internet - how do you find out Your unique internet address? Easy, just follow these

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  1. 1
    Firstly, i think it is important to note that (just like the LAN) there are two main systems for allocating external(WAN) Ip addresses,static and dynamic. Dynamic is the most common: this is where your internet service provider(ISP) allocates you a random IP address from a "pool" of addresses they have available for their use - Dynamic IP addresses change frequently. The other is static, this is where the ISP gives you one address which will not change: this usually incurs additional monthly charges.
  2. 2
    Regardless of whether your IP is static or dynamic, finding out what it is (currently) is easy. There are numerous websites which query your external IP address and return it on screen.
  3. 3
    After going to the website and allowing it time to query your address,you should have your (current) external IP address. If your address is static, it should not change and could be memorised if desired. If it is dynamic, it will likely change often (keep an eye on it between sessions and you will see it for yourself.
  4. 4
    Additional note, external IP addresses are unique on the internet, they are different from internal IPS. Internal IPs must be unique too, but only to your local segment - for example, you and your friend can both have the same unique IP addresses in your networks(assuming they are in different LANS) because these unique, local IPS are never routed or used beyond the local network, they are translated into the external address when connecting outside of the LAN, using a process called Network address translation (overload).

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