
Sunday, May 26, 2013

How to Create a Reverse Ssh Tunnel

Need to skirt around that pesky corporate firewall?

Or host a service while NATed?

What you need is a reverse SSH tunnel and you will be well on your way to confusing your friends trying to tell them what you've done.

N.B Visit for other updates

  1. 1
    Server: apt-get install openssh-server
  2. 2
    Server: ssh-keygen
  3. 3
    Client: apt-get install openssh-client
  4. 4
    Client: ssh-keygen
  5. 5
    Client: ssh-copy-id user@server
  6. 6
    Server: Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config as root.
    • Change '#PasswordAuthentication yes' to 'PasswordAuthentication no'.
    • Add 'GatewayPorts clientspecified' to the end of the file.

  7. 7
    Client: Now we create the reverse tunnel with
    ssh -R user@
    • -R makes the tunnel reversed
    • is the ip address of the interface on your server that is facing the Internet
    • 5555  is the servers port to listen on.
    • 4444 is the port to forward to on your client.
  8. 8
    Now you can open ports on the server to the Internet and forward them through your tunnel to your client.

  • Use -nNR when creating the tunnel if you don't need a shell.
  • You can change the computer that the port is forwarded to by changing the local loop-back address ( to the ip address of that computer. So, would forward port 5555 on to port 4444 on

  • Keep the id_rsa file created by ssh-keygen safe! This is you private key! Give it to no one! however, you can give out to anyone.

Things You'll Need
  • Two computers: One that you will be forwarding ports to and the other that you can open to the Internet.
  • These instructions assume both systems are running Ubuntu or a similar distro.
  • Basic knowledge of the command line might help.

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