
Saturday, May 25, 2013

How to Configure Windows Remote Shell (Winrm + Winrs) on a Home Network

Window Remote Shell lets you logon to another machine similar to ssh on Linux/UNIX boxes. Here is a list of what to do to configure it. Note: This has been tried this on a single machine, a Windows 7 machine connected to a home network. Note: This only works using IP addresses rather than server names.

N.B Visit for other updates
  1. 1
    On each machine (client and server), run: winrm quickconfig and follow the instructions

  2. 2
    On each machine, add machines to the TrustedHostList. For example, the command below will add specific IP addresses plus any machines on local workgroup to the trusted list: winrm set winrm/config/client @{TrustedHosts=",,"

  3. 3
    Connect to a machine and run a command: winrs -r: dir

  4. 4
    Connect to a machine and start a remote cmd shell: winrs -r: cmd

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