
Friday, May 10, 2013

How to Entertain Yourself Without a Computer

Entertain Yourself Without a Computer
On your computer is the Internet down? Or do you not have a computer at all? If it is, then this is the article for you.

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  1. 1
    Try writing a story. Or, if you have a lot of time on your hands, try writing a novel. Think of something that would be a big problem--that is your conflict. (If the only problem you can think of is not having computer access, that's ok! The important part is how the problem is solved.) Think of some characters who might face that problem, what they would be like, and how they would react to it. (You might want to use a notebook to brainstorm, making a page for each character. Draw what they look like, if you can draw!) The things your characters do, and how they solve the problem, will be your plot. Your story could be funny, scary, serious, however you want it to be! If you find that your problem is solved in just a few pages, maybe it's time for a sequel.
  2. 2
    Consider writing fan fiction, especially if you can't think of any characters. Some people enjoy taking characters or settings from other stories, like Harry Potter, and writing their own adventures for them. You can share your stories later, when you have computer access again, or you can just keep them to yourself.
  3. 3
    Try writing a song. If you don't know how to play an instrument or write music, that's OK. Work on the lyrics to the song, and think of a melody to go along with it. If you can, try recording what you've written and see where you could improve.
  4. 4
    Draw something. Try to improve on your drawing skills by shading or using perspective. If you have any books or wall art with famous works of art, look to those for inspiration and ideas.
  5. 5
    Write a letter. Is there a friend you haven't talked to in a long time, or might your grandparents enjoy getting a letter from you? Try not to write about how bored you are; talk about what you've been doing lately, and what your life is like in general.
  6. 6
    If you are with other people, then play a game like Tag, Hide-N-Seek, I-Spy, or a board game.
  7. 7
    Go outside and play with chalk, jacks, jump rope, or something like that. Simply going for a walk could help you feel more refreshed and less bored.
  8. 8
    Watch t.v or play a video game. If you have played all your video games lots of times, try to think of your own goals within the games, and reach those goals. Try to beat your best time, or get a perfect score.
  9. 9
    Listen to music. If it's not very exciting to listen to your same old CDs or mp3s, try borrowing music from someone else and seeing what new things you might like. If you have no one to borrow from, try scanning through the radio stations to find one you don't normally listen to. Talk radio could be entertaining also.
  10. 10
    Take a nap.
    Take a nap.
    Take a nap.
  11. 11
    Watch a movie.
  12. 12
    Read a book. There are probably books in your house, and how will you ever know if they are boring if you don't try them? If the first one you try really is boring, don't give up; there are exciting books out there. If you can get to the library, there should be enough choices for you to find something decent--if you don't know what to read, ask the librarian for suggestions!
  13. 13
    If you have a pet, play with your pet.
    If you have a pet, play with your pet.
    If you have a pet, play with your pet. Get down on its level and see how different things look through its eyes; try to teach it a new trick; take it for a walk if it's a pet that can go outside. If it's a rodent, try making a maze or a toy for it out of toilet paper tubes and such (don't forget, it will be able to chew through them, so keep it all inside the cage!). You could even do this for a cat or a dog if you have boxes or paper grocery bags to tape together.
  14. 14
    Cook something. (If you are a kid and using your parents' food, ask first.) If you already know how to cook, try expanding on what you know to create your own recipe.
  15. 15
    Bake something. (Again, ask permission if taking someone else's ingredients or messing up their kitchen.) It's not generally a great idea to mess around too much with baking recipes, because baking is a science that requires certain proportions of ingredients, but it's still fun and rewarding to follow the recipes. If you've never made your own bread before, and if you have a recipe, that's a great place to start!
  16. 16
    Clean. Yes, it sounds boring and lame, but it's really not that bad, and if you are very bored, it's at least something to do. Try cleaning your room, organizing your things (especially your favorite things, like action figures, nail polishes, CDs--anything you collect or value), maybe even going through things you don't use anymore and sorting out some stuff that can be thrown out or given to charity. When your room is clean, look around the rest of the house for other tasks that need to be done. Learning that this will not kill you is good practice for living on your own; you will eventually have to do these things.
  17. 17
    Do crafts. Is there anything you enjoy making, like maybe those lanyard keychains people make at camp? If you have craft materials lying around, you may be able to make some fun stuff you could sell at school, or around the neighborhood. If there are how-to craft books in your house, and craft supplies you're allowed to use, you could even learn how to do something totally new.
  18. 18
    Take photos if you have a camera, or if you can borrow one.
    Take photos if you have a camera, or if you can borrow one.
    Take photos if you have a camera, or if you can borrow one. Try to make a statement with your photo; don't just capture the object, but capture a unique perspective on the object!
  19. 19
    Consider traveling. Going to places that you haven't been before is one great way to learn more about history, people and culture. You can backpack to save your budget.
  20. 20
    Go for a picnic.
    Go for a picnic.
    Go for a picnic. Prepare a quick meal like sandwiches and cold drinks in a basket and enjoy having them at the park or by the riverside. It will be even more fun if you have a simple game to play with your friends or family.
  • If you have no computer access because you are being punished, be cautious about what you choose to do. Don't do something obnoxious, like mess up the kitchen with a baking project, which may get you in more trouble.
  • Don't focus on the computer, or how bored you are without it! People entertained themselves without computers for many years. You can do it, too!
  • You need an active imagination to have the most fun.

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