
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How to Make a Randomness Kit

Are you a random person who wants to have a kit to go along? Well I will show you how!

  1. 1
    Get a bag big enough for a lot of random and fun things.

  2. 2
    Get some candy and put it in.

  3. 3
    Put some really weird toys in the kit.

  4. 4
    Buy a mini notebook and pen\pencil in case you need to write random things down.

  5. 5
    Make sure you have crayons\markers to color if you get bored.

  6. 6
    Tape can provide endless fun!!

  7. 7
    Also have scissors just in case you get an idea!

  8. 8
    Put a small stuffed animal to play with in it.

  9. 9
    Have rubber bands in it! If you get bored you can fling them at people!

  10. 10
    Have fun with it!!

  11. 11
    Paper, for v-darts and any other good ideas!

  • The bag should be random!

  • If you fling the rubber bands at people you could get in trouble!
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